OKRA – Ladies Fingers
a beautiful plant, flower and very interesting fruit!
Okra is loaded with nutrients and minerals! Including: Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Vitamin B6, Fiber, Magnesium, Beta Carotene and more!
Okra is also well-known for a variety of health benefits: preventing diabetes, promoting colon health, boosting digestive health, weight management, maintaining healthy skin, protecting against free radical damage, relief from respiratory issues like asthma, coat, promotes eye health, booting mood and constipation.
SO…. how do we eat it?!
There are many ways to prepare prepare okra.
First, you want to eat it as fresh as possible, no brown marks for the freshest okra. Also, the okra should be small and tender. The larger okra is has tougher fibers and harder seeds – better fro planting than for eating!
Once you have your okra try out these great dishes and feel free to experiment with what you’ve got and change it up a bit!
Here are some NO SLIME Okra Recipes
Enjoy the Okra!