
Radishes and turnip greens salad with oranges

After trying out this recipe with the kids at the Farm to school Program we decided to share this delicious radishes and turnip greens salad with oranges recipe from our friend Juan (Chula Seafood)

For a yummy Hakurei and Radish salad you need:

– Hakurei Turnips with greens (1 bunch = 7-8 each)
– French Breakfast – Radish with greens (1 bunch = 7-8 each)
– 2 Navel Orange
– Pecans
– Sugar
– Water
– Honey
– Whole Grain Mustard
– White Distilled Vinegar
– Salt

1. Cut or snip off greens from turnip and radish bunches. If dirty, dunk in ice bath and spin

dry in a salad spiner. Hold at cold temp until ready for use.

2. Rinse Radish and Turnips. Using either a sharp knife or mandoline, slice turnips to

desired thickness. Hold cold until ready for use.

3. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

4. Prepare simple syrup for candied pecans by mixing sugar and water in a bowl and

whisking until sugar is completely dissolved. Next add pecans to bowl of simple syrup

and let soak for 10 minutes. Drain pecans. Line a sheet tray with a silicon baking pad and

spread soaked pecans on tray. Make sure too spread pecans out evenly for even baking.

5. Bake soaked pecans for about 8 – 10 minutes. The sugar will start to bubble and the

pecans will brown up nicely. Once baked let rest to room temp and they will crisp up.

6. To make honey mustard vinaigrette, in a blender combine honey, mustard, vinegar and

salt. Blend all ingredients till thoroughly emulsified and add salt to taste.

7. To prepare navel oranges shave off peel and pith from entire orange until you are left

with just the meat of the fruit. From there slice wheels of oranges. You can quarter, cut in

half or leave entire wheels for salad.

8. To compose salad lay a handful of greens on a plate. Add a few slivers of sliced radish

and turnips on top of greens. Take a few segments of orange and garnish top of salad,

along with a good pinch of candied pecans.

9. Last but not least drizzle as much or as little of the vibrant honey mustard vinaigrette

around salad. From there you are free to eat and enjoy!

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